Wow... Today It's been brought to my attention and I am greatly amazed, that several prophetic passages are literally coming to pass before our very eyes. Hosea 4:3 says; "Therefore the land will mourn; And everyone who dwells there will waste away. Ok, so we're not wasting away.... YET! Keep reading; "With the beasts of the field and the birds of the air; Even the fish of the sea will be taken away" Yikes, have you been paying attention to whats going on all around us?
But let's not just take Hosea's word for it, how about another source; Zephaniah 1: 2-3 says "I will utterly consume all things from the face of the land" Says the Lord; "I will consume man and beast; I will consume the birds of the heavens, the fish of the sea and the stumbling blocks(idols) along with the wicked. I will cut off man from the face of the earth" Ouch! sounds like some heavy handed words to me, how about you?
For the time being lets not focus on man being cut off from the face of the earth, or idols being scorched. Lets focus on the current news worthy events taking place and then ask ourselves whether or not we might want to start paying attention. Here are Ten (10) links I want you to take a look at. As you can see below, there are many different resources here and none of them are right wing conservatives trying to convert anybody to Christianity by using hellfire preaching or fear tactics. These are real events happening in real time and the Prophets Hosea & Zephaniah both said this would take place more than 2500 years ago. That's right, more than 2500!!
Now the establishment will always try to come up with some scientific reason or excuse for what is happening, as in this FOX News video:
But my question is;
WHY is this all happening at the same time in every corner of this PLANET?!! I'm sure the lead penguin in Antarctica just led all of the other penguins to a mass die off on the beach!
But my question is;
WHY is this all happening at the same time in every corner of this PLANET?!! I'm sure the lead penguin in Antarctica just led all of the other penguins to a mass die off on the beach!
The only conclusion I can come up with is...... global warming. Hahaha, right, LOL! Well you may choose to believe all of that nonsense, but I have been around to long to swallow that. There is something going on in this world that just doesn't make sense in the natural. The world is changing a a very rapid pace. Nearly every nation on the face of the earth is at the brink of bankruptcy, Nuclear proliferation is at an all time high, even if they are trying to tell us in the national media that we are disarming our warheads. Killer Earthquakes & every other type of natural disaster you can dream up in your goriest nightmares are a frequent current event. And now this!! The birds, fish and other beasts are dying off?? In record numbers??? For no apparent reason???? I don't know about you, but I have made sure that my train ticket is stamped for heaven by trusting in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for my personal salvation. He loves all of us so much that He paid for that train ticket more than 2000 years ago by allowing Himself to be cruelly murdered on our behalf. While that train ticket is free to us, it certainly was not free for Him. The price He paid was more than any of us could ever even imagine.
So take my advice, look deeply into your heart and ask yourself this question; If my life were to end tonight, have I secured that train ticket that I need to get into the kingdom of Heaven? Or am I standing at the train station all by myself, ticket-less, hoping that the conductor will let me on the train because of my good looks. Jesus Christ Loves You. Ask Him to forgive you today and to give you new life in Him, and He will write your name down on that great docket in the sky called the book of life. Then turn from your ways and follow Him and He will fill you with so much joy and peace, that the current events you read on a daily basis, will only cause excitement about the fact that the train is almost ready to leave.